Answer - Not long enough.Saturday was spent shooting for the newspaper. The majority of the images I shot were in the afternoon in which I covered 3 games all with the same kick-off time. This meant I spent just enough time at each ground to get the shots I needed before moving onto the next. One Saturday I am going to challenge myself to see how many I can fit into 90 mins.:)
First Premier league action between Kinnoull and Armadale played at Tulloch Park.

Then up to Murray Royal to get a couple of images of St Johns v Roselea in the Amateur league.

And finally onto Blairgowrie to watch them in the 4th round of the Scottish Junior Cup against Clydebank. I got to this ground with 15 minutes of the game left and the score was 2-2. It looked like I was going to get some good images of Blairgowrie stealing the tie with a late goal. As luck would have it Clydebank scored against the run of play and I was sitting at the wrong end of the ground. You win some and you lose some.

Also on Saturday Perthshire were playing against Gala in a Premier 3 rugby match which I would loved to have covered but sometimes you don't have enough time, so here is a link to Bob Falconer photos. Bob is a keen amateur who can always be seen at a Perthshire game because his son plays for them.(sometimes) click on the Gala game.