Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Some recent press images

Here are some images recently shot for press use. The first three are non - sports images. I try to cover some events from the Almondbank where I stay for the newspapers. I am trying to think more about the news pictures I produce. Whereas before I would take the easy option of a simple group shot I am aiming to get more interesting pictures. The first and third images used a layer technique which a lot of newspaper photographers use. I think it worked okay although I should have arranged the group at the back of the first one better. I have been watching with interest the progress of another photographer Andrew Smith http://www.meejahor.com/ as he has progressed with this technique. He has a lot more experience in shooting these types of images and it shows but as I am always telling students of the classes I teach making mistakes is part of the learning process, what is important is understanding the mistakes and finding a solution.

Dobbies Garden Centre store in Perth donated an apple tree to Pitcairn Primary School on Friday. The tree will be used as an addition to the school's eco projects and will be cared for by the pupils. Pictured are pupils Aiden Strung and Adam Campbell doing the spadework as Rosemary Nixon and Andrew Reid from Dobbies Perth look on with the rest of the primary 1&2 pupils. 9th Nov 2007.

Pitcairn Parent Council & Friends of Pitcairn School held their Halloween discos on Friday at Almondbank Bowling Club. Pictured are the children who attended the first disco for Primary 1 - Primary 3. 26th Oct 2007

The Pitcairngreen Arts and Craft Fair was held on Saturday at the village hall. 26 Craft workers displayed their goods which ranged from wood carving to stained glass. Pictured is Jean Edwards at her pottery stall. 27th Oct 2007.


Anonymous said...

Looks good to me Shaun! The one of the tree planting is miles better than my first attempt at layering.

Shaun Ward said...

Thanks Andrew. My problem is down to rushing the shot. There was another newspaper photographer who took images from the tree planting. I took 2 minutes to shoot my image whereas he spent a good 10 mins setting it up properly. Had I spent more time I would have seen the problem with the group at the back but experience and confidence is key! As I have said I am impressed with the progress you have made, keep it up.

Anonymous said...

It's difficult but don't allow yourself to be rushed. I generally tell people to allow 15 minutes for the shoot, knowing that I'll probably get it done in 10 but we can stretch to 20 if necessary. Remember, it's your job and reputation, not theirs. Those extra few minutes at each shoot will make the difference between a portfolio of strong images or a collection of could-have-beens.

I'm not seeing much wrong with that tree planting shot though. If you can do that in 2 mins then you've got nothing to worry about.

Anonymous said...

ps. One thing to consider: How might the tree planting shot have looked if you'd moved more to your left and used a stepladder?

Shaun Ward said...

the problem with the image is there is a few of the children at the back whose faces are hidden. I took this image in a space of about 1.5 feet between where the tree is and the fence (this is where the actual planting was taking place). The other photographer moved the tree to another location dug up a patch of ground to give the impression that the tree was being planted there to give more room to work with (I am still not sure I would take that option). Shooting from a higher point would have solved the problem with the faces but I think it would have made the front part of the image weaker. The secret is probably to try different things and use what works. Thanks for your input.