Today I decided to cover some basketball. Perth Phoenix were playing at home against Glasgow City. The matches were played at Perth Academy where they have great facilities for basketball. It is unfortunate that this doesn't extend to good lights. To achieve an usuable picture you have to push all the camera setting to the limit. So these images were shot at ISO 3200, the camera was set to manual f2.8 and 1/400 which was around 1/2 a stop under exposed to achieve a half decent shutterspeed. All images were shot with a 18-50 lens.
The other problem with this gym is lack of space to work in due to the court being a couple of feet from the walls which again leads to bad backgrounds.
Anyway believe it or not I actually enjoyed shooting the basketball despite the aforementioned restrictions. The solution will be to get a flash set up where I can light the court which is a method alot of photographers use in these circumstances. And to think I complained because it was overcast outside whilst shooting football today.

The other problem with this gym is lack of space to work in due to the court being a couple of feet from the walls which again leads to bad backgrounds.
Anyway believe it or not I actually enjoyed shooting the basketball despite the aforementioned restrictions. The solution will be to get a flash set up where I can light the court which is a method alot of photographers use in these circumstances. And to think I complained because it was overcast outside whilst shooting football today.

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