Saturday, 14 March 2009

A bakers dozen and thanks Big Bob

Here are some images from Saturday. Thirteen as the title suggests with the 13th not being planned or as straight forward as it should have been. Pictures from Fair City v Barnhill, Jeanfield Swifts v Kirkcaldy YM, Roselea v Letham and basketball from Perth Phoenix Cadets v Dundee Sharks.

So the 13th image was one which was not planned. I am currently selling off some equipment to update what I currently use.This left me without a wide angle this weekend but I felt it was not a problem as the sports could be covered without one. When shooting the basketball they had a cheerleading team which I felt may be of interest to the paper. With no wide angle I was helped out by Bob Falconer who happened to be there because his daughter was one of the cheerleaders (he normally would go near a basketball court:)) Bob had a 24-70 which he let me borrow. Five minutes to make a picture it was a struggle to fit them all in as they wanted to show some routine in the photo.(Thanks girls). This is the image i got, not the best I've ever taken but I was surprised to achieve that. Images will appear in this weeks Evening Telegraph.

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