I will start backwards and a word about yesterday. For those who don't know I work part time as a photographer and the rest of my time is divided between working as a postman and lecturer at Perth College (strange combination but works at the moment). So most Saturdays I have a shift at the Post Office before returning home getting changed and getting back out to cover sport for the papers. This was the case on Saturday and to add to this I turned 40 and was having some family across for a small celebration. The plan was to go out by 2pm provide images from one Amateur game and one Junior game for the Telegraph and home by 3pm. That was the plan but it went quickly pear shaped when I got stuck in football traffic (St Johnstone v dundee) and didn't arrive at my first game until 2.40pm. A quick five minutes shooting before crossing town to cover the second game and home by 3.15pm.
Thankfully the rest of the day ran smoother and i am another year older and...........
Here are a couple of images sent to the paper.

Last Wednesday was similar in some ways in that I was teaching in Kinross in the evening and was looking to get some images from a Men's basketball game(Perth Phoenix v Edinburgh) that night which was taking place in Perth. I finished at 9pm in Kinross knowing the game would finish up around 9.30pm. Thankfully after driving the 20 miles to the venue I managed to catch the last quarter of a pulsating game. One thing i have noticed though was the lighting seemed a lot dimmer than usual and I was pushed to get decent a decent shooting speed with 1/200th to 1/320th being the norm whilst shooting at f2.8 ISO 3200. Here are a couple of the better frames from that game.

Also during February I shot a few images around Perthshire Rugby Club. First up I had organised to try some portrait on a few (willing?) players. This is new ground for me using some protable flash set-ups to try and achieve a distinctive look to my images. Not as successful as i would have liked but I achieved a couple of reasonable images. I also shot a couple of news images for the papers.

Perthshire player Adam Pattinson

One last image I liked for some reason.

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